Back in this post I talked about my
Summer Style Bucket List.
Being that Fall is quickly approaching (YEH!),
I figured I would update you all on how I am doing with my list so far.
Super proud to report that I have done almost all of them at this point :)
I have worn a dress or skirt to work at least once a week,
sometimes even twice a week!
That will be super easy to continue into the Fall
because I love wearing boots with dresses/skirts :)
No heat styling my hair at least once a week has worked really well too!
I wash my hair in the evening a couple times a week anyways, so this was a breeze :)
Just a bit of scrunching in the morning to enhance the tiny bit of natural wave I have
and viola! Hair is complete!
Almost all my weekend outfits have been similar to ones I have found on Pinterest :)
I just need to take more/better pictures of them to post on here.
If I could only do the same with my work clothes :)
I did purchase a pair of cute Keds at T.J.Maxx for about $10!
All black with a cute bow on them :)
I still would like to find a colorful pair as well,
but if I don't I will survive.
Besides, I am totally looking forward to Fall shoes and boots now anyways :)
Exact pair sold out, similar found here :)
The couple I haven't done so well on yet...
Getting a pedicure and soaking up some Vitamin D :(
With working a full time job, and then working another full time job at home (mommy)
there just isn't enough time in the day/week/month :(
And soaking up the sun is super hard to do as well!
By the time I get home from work, make dinner,
play with X, it is bath and bedtime...
and the sun is basically down by that point :(
Other days it is just gloomy or raining :(
However, I am hitting up a local festival with X this week and we
will be spending lots of Mommy & X time together on the weekends
(since daddy has office work to do)
so I am hoping to make a trip up to the lake, visit family, etc. that will be outdoors :)
Jumping ahead...
looking forward to my Fall Style Bucket List
and I am asking for your help!
I am searching for the following items...
Cowboy boots
Authentic, preferably red, good quality, good price
Utility Jacket
Army green, lightweight, buttons, no cinch waist
Shoe Brands & Where to buy them
My shoes are horrible most days!
I buy what is cheap and my feet hate me for it :(
Every now and then I buy a good shoe that doesn't cost me and arm and a leg
and I wear them until they can't be worn again!
Ok, ok enough homework for now :)
How are you doing on your summer bucket list?
Any must have or must do items I need to include on my Fall list?

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