With our 7 year wedding anniversary a little over a month away,
I figured I would count down to it by featuring a weekly post.
While the information isn't fresh in my head,
I would love to think back to those months, days, hours and share them with all of you :)
I would love to think back to those months, days, hours and share them with all of you :)
Added bonus: I will then have those memories written down in this wonderful
little blog to look back at from time to time :)
Let's Begin!
The Engagement
I did a post awhile back called The Story of Us that talked about
how Mic and I first met,
when we got engaged, married, etc.
While it was a pretty lengthy post,
each area was a brief story about the event.
Today, I am focusing solely on the story of our engagement.
Mic and I had been together for about 2 1/2 years when I, he, we made the decision for me
to move in with him. At this point I was living about 1 1/2 hours away from him :(
We were only able to see each other on our days off!
If this relationship was going to continue to move forward we needed to make a change.
So Labor Day weekend in 2003 I moved away from all of my family and friends
to live with my guy :)
Super scary people!
I am extremely attached to my family and had never lived that far from home.
I cried a lot!
I drove home every chance I had!
It was super hard not knowing anyone here.
But as I look back on this decision,
it was one of the best decisions I have ever made :)
Can you believe that Mic? (He reads my blog)
It will be 10 years that I have lived here in just a little over a week,
and I still have a hard time calling this place home.
However, each day with X in it makes it feel more like home.
Or at least a 2nd home to me :)
Anyways, back to my story...
I did what every girl/guy should never do in a relationship!
I gave Mic an ultimatum! Yikes!
I told him if we weren't engaged within the next year and a half
I would be heading back home.
I know, I am thankful almost every day that he didn't throw me out on the curb
right then and there!
So fast forward to March of 2005
Completely unknown to me, Mic had been visiting some jewelry stores
Completely unknown to me, Mic had been visiting some jewelry stores
looking for a ring for me :)
He puts in the research for anything he does in life!
While it can drive me nuts at times,
I do love that he wants to make sure he is getting the best possible for his money, etc.
On one of his visits he was sitting down looking at different diamonds with a store associate.
As seen in the movies, he was inspecting a diamond by holding it with those little
tweezers they give you.
Well, all of the sudden the diamond shoots out of the tweezers and goes flying!
He couldn't believe it!
He thought for sure if they didn't find it, he would be paying for it!
Thankfully after some crawling around on the floor, Mic and the associate found the diamond that took flight and all was right with the world :)
He finally found "the one" at a local jewelry shop (that his family has gone to for years)
and had it set into a single platinum band for me.
and had it set into a single platinum band for me.
Exactly what I wanted people!
Understated, simple, TOTALLY ME!
Meanwhile, St. Patrick's Day was approaching and I had made plans to go out with
a friend of mine from work for some green beers.
At the time I was in a bowling league, and was supposed to have to bowl that night.
I decided to skip (which I never do)
to go out for drinks instead (again, something I never do!)
For some reason Mic was super irritated by this!
He never cared before, so why now I thought.
He never cared before, so why now I thought.
I didn't understand why he would be so upset about this change in my day.
So of course after many questions by me,
he spilled the beans.
He had planned on surprising me with a proposal on March 17th!
He had planned the evening out around my normal time schedule - work, bowling, etc.
I felt horrible and super excited at the same time!
He decided he wanted me to be surprised so he waited to officially propose until a few weeks later on April 2nd :)
I will admit, knowing that he was going to pop the question was an amazing feeling
but it sucked that I knew about it and had to wait for it.
I told the simple story of that day in the post mentioned above.
Of course once we were engaged
I immediately had to contact my parents and my brother :)
Once we spoke to our families and let them in on the good news,
we proceeded to let our friends know as well.
It was a crazy, stressful, amazing day!
The best part is we now share the memory of that special day with another wonderful memory in our lives...
the day I found out I was pregnant!
Well, not the same day but the same date!
April 2, 2011
There is something about April, and specifically the 2nd that brings great
things to Mic and I :)

Linking up with Jenny @ The Jenny Evolution
for Flash Friday Blog :)
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