another round of H54F!
Happy Friday!
Happy Friday!
Had a glorious long weekend with friends and family!
X had an excellent visit with the specialist :)
Ears are clear = No surgery = Happy Mommy!
Celebrating @ Mimi's Cafe
Celebrating @ Mimi's Cafe
Short work week = The weekend is already here!

We received our disc of photos from the awesome Christy Rice!
Seriously....check out some of these pics! Love them!

We received our disc of photos from the awesome Christy Rice!
Seriously....check out some of these pics! Love them!
While I didn't keep to the assigned topic each day,
I did do a pretty good job :)
Some of the topics just didn't apply to me :(
Oh well, maybe next time!
Day 31: A vivid memory
I have too many vivid memories!
My memory is good, it fact pretty darn good!
It can be a blessing and a curse all at the same time.
Anyways, here is one of my many memories....
When I was in 7th grade we (my family) went down to Myrtle Beach for our annual
summer vacation.
summer vacation.
One night we stopped by a "make your own sundae" shop before heading over
to the North Myrtle Beach Grand Prix (no longer there).
We finished our ice cream and started walking over to the grand prix
I started screaming for my dad to get it off of me! I was a mess!
Let me step back here, because this bug didn't actually come out of nowhere....
my dad threw it onto me (on accident...he says)!
He went to throw this little stick and realized it was a bug once he touched it.
I just happened to be right in the way of him throwing it and it landed IN my hair!
Now back in 7th grade hairstyles were much different than they are these days.
We curled and teased our bangs to the highest of heights and then sprayed the crap of them to stay in place.
My hair looked something like this all those years ago.
Not good for when a giant bug gets stuck in those bangs :(
After what seemed like a lifetime my dad got the stick bug out of my hair,
but not before scaring me for life!
I hate stick bugs!
I feel all itchy and creeped out as I type this! YUCK!
Tell me a vivid memory of yours!
Until next time...
XoXo ~ V
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