
Show & Tell | Organizational Tips

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

I wish I could say that my house was super organized and that everything had a place, but that just isn't true.
Things have a general spot, but that is it.
We have lots of room to improve on our organizational skills so feel free to leave any tips/comments/suggestions below :)

Our house isn't magazine worthy, but we try to keep things picked up and swept.
Our biggest irritation problem is toys!
I am sure if you are a parent you can relate to this one.
Where to put them?
Before having X we thought we would designate one of the bedrooms as a playroom and all of his toys would stay in there.
Boy were we naive!
Who honestly thinks you are going to contain all the toys a toddler has in one bedroom on the 2nd floor of your house?
Over the last few years we have tried to figure out ways to organize X's toys, keep them in one place, etc.
No matter what we do, that kid wants to be around us ;)
Meaning, if I am making dinner he wants to be on the 1st floor playing with his toys.
If I am in the bedroom folding laundry he wants to be there too.
And if Mic is doing some office work in the basement, X wants to be right beside him playing with his trains.
It makes it impossible to keep things picked up and put away!
Well, until I decided that he would just have to start keeping some toys in each of those rooms despite our irritations.
I picked up some baskets at Kroger and some bins at Walmart and they work pretty well to hold all the little stuff.
From Hot Wheels to Paw Patrol to Thomas the Train, they all get thrown into a basket or bin and things are immediately picked up!
Ahhh...that feels so much better!
Before those bins I felt like I was losing it on a  nightly basis with all the crap toys scattered everywhere.
Now I know I can toss things in a few bins and have my room back to "normal".

Sorry for the stock photos #bloggerfail
I wrote this post ahead and then planned on taking pictures over the weekend to add to it.
You know what happens when you get sick...nothing, I mean nothing gets done :(

Now if I just had time to reorganize the pantry, bathroom & hall closets I would feel totally on top of things.
Well, maybe halfway there.
Ok, I would get to check a few things off my to-do list :)

What are your tips on keeping toys organized?
Are all the toys kept in one room or floor?

Linking up today with Andrea @ Momfessionals and Jessica & Katie @ Sweet Little Ones

Sweet Little Ones


  1. YES! I love the way you think! :-)

    Home of "Tuesday Talk" and "Pincrazy Thursdays"~

  2. Organizing changes and needs to be useful to us- wherever we are in life... it is certainly not a "one size fits all". :) Thank you for sharing this.

  3. It is totally your season...embrace it! But I feel ya...even once the toys are confined to their room it will still drive you nuts that things aren't picked up. I bought bins for the upper shelves in my daughters closet and sectioned all the toys....I would get one down at a time and she knew she had to pick those up before she could move on to another. Now she's tall enough to get the bin down herself with a stool...on to the next idea!!

  4. oh gosh, the toys...we could seriously get rid of half of the toys and the kids would never miss them! The toys are out of control at our house...I try to implement a system and then a week later it goes out the window, haha. Oh well, at least the toy stage isn't forever.


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