Last week I posted about how I joined an online game at DietBet to
keep me motivated to eat healthy and workout.
keep me motivated to eat healthy and workout.
The game I joined is sponsored by Skinnymom and it was $25 to join. Basically you bet money on yourself to lose a certain % of weight between dates set for the game.
The game I joined began on Sunday, January 5th and runs through February 2nd.
The idea is to lose 4% of your starting weight be the end of the 28 days. If you do so, you not only feel better about yourself but you win your money back and split the pot with the rest of the "winners" :)
FYI: The pot for the game I joined is currently at $11,825!!!
I am proud to say that I have done REALLY well and I am only a little over a week in!
I am already super close to meeting my goal!!!! It is funny how putting your own money on yourself motivates the heck out of you to keep it up!
I have had some really great new foods and recipes, and have been able to squeeze a quick (30 minutes), but effective workout in almost every night.
I am feeling better too!
Bikini body here I come! lol!
Today I am bringing you two of the protein smoothies I have been having each morning. I have tried 5 different ones so far, and they are all pretty darn tasty :)
They really do fill me up and I don't have to worry that I am consuming some junk food.
You will need to have a blender - the motor burnt out on my lovely Kitchenaid blender that we received as a wedding gift the day I started the bet :( I was frantic! I did some research and was able to pick up a new Ninja blender on sale at Walmart :) It even came with the individual cups and blade so I don't have to use the big pitcher every day! Sweet!
You will also need a vanilla flavored protein powder to add to the smoothies each day. I picked up EAS Lean 15 at Walmart as well for less than $20. You only need a scoop (which comes in the container) a day, so it lasts really well.
1 small banana
1/2 cup frozen, unsweetened sliced strawberries
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1/2 cup light orange juice
1/2 cup water
Optional: Add 1/2 cup frozen, chopped pineapple
Blend all ingredients together until smooth. If using fresh fruit, add a 1/2 cup of ice to the mixture before blending.
Apple Pie A la Mode Protein Smoothie
1 small apple chopped
1 cup ice
1/3 cup plain, non-fat Greek yogurt
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
2 tsp. Stevia or your choice of sweetener
1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
Blend all ingredients together until smooth. Sprinkle with a dash of cinnamon.
What's for dinner you ask?
Pot Roast
Have you tried any smoothie recipes before?
What type of ingredients do you like to use?
What are you making for dinner this week?
Did you meal prep?
And don't forget to link up with Lisa and Kristen for

Totally slipped my mind yesterday :(
But I am back today, and the topic is...
Best Blogging tips & coding that could be beneficial
Well, as most of you know I am kind of newbie (less than a year) to this whole blog thing. I am clueless when it comes to blog code, and I sure don't know enough yet to dish out any advice.
With that said, I am asking all of you wonderful readers/bloggers out there for
your best tips and such!
Please feel free to comment below or email me :)
Don't forget to follow me on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Bloglovin!

Both of those smoothies sound delicious!! I've done strawberry and banana with my vanilla protein powder before, but never thought to add orange juice in it too. That sounds so yummy! I've got 2 new kinds of protein on the way to my house right now.. one is a mocha mint one that I'm excited to experiment with!!!
ReplyDeleteThey are so good! There is a pumpkin pie one too that is amazing! Seriously like drinking a pie! I don't know how it is good for you, but it is and I will take it! lol! I never though about OJ before either. I can't taste it, but it some how makes it better :) Mocha mint sounds yummy! Let me know what you think of it.
DeleteI'm making homemade chicken pot pie tonight- yummmm
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! Can I come over? lol! I will find a clean version of that for sure!
Deletemy family likes to make peanut butter protein smoothies. it's a banana, a spoonful or so of pb, a little ice, a little milk, and a scoop of protein powder (vanilla or chocolate work well). then blend it up. you could even add some yogurt too.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds good! I will add that to my list to try :)
DeleteThose smoothies look so yummy!!! I am going to have to try them!!!
ReplyDeleteThey are really good! And filling too!
DeleteI'm not a big strawberry fan but I'm going to try that apple pie one! Good luck with your Diet Bet! I'm intrigued by that idea. God knows I need something to motivate me.
ReplyDeleteThanks! I am not one to bet on things usually, but I figured losing weight/eating healthy/working out was a good way to try! :)