I love link ups!
They practically write your post for you!
And during the extremely busy month of December that is exactly what I need!
Linking up today with
1. My favorite Christmas was....Kind of cheesy, but I loved all my Christmases as a kid (except the one below). My favorite memory was when my little brother received a power wheels police motorcycle. I remember watching my parents put all the decals on it and have it all ready for my brother on Christmas morning. His face lit up!!!! Mine did too actually watching how excited he was :) I can't wait to experience those same moments with X!
2. The worst Christmas I had...Was when I was about 8 or 9 years old I still believed in Santa Claus. We were at my grandma's house on Christmas Eve and we were getting ready to head back home for the evening. Every year my grandparents would give my brother and I some gifts at their house, but they sent most of our presents to our house to open the next morning. The bag was sitting on a chair at their house and I was putting my coat on to leave right by that chair. It was then I noticed something odd. There was a present sticking out of the bag with a label that said "To Vanessa, From Santa". What? It was Christmas Eve! Santa didn't bring presents yet! I was beyond upset! I started crying like crazy. All the adults tried to come up with an excuse, but I didn't believe anything they had to say. Thankfully my brother was too young to understand so I didn't ruin anything for him :)
3. That one gift that made me scratch my head and say,
"Hmmmm" was...There are a few gifts that I could scratch my head about, but I will narrow it down to a stocking I received one year from my MIL. It had a couple of oranges (I don't eat oranges), a single dish towel (it was part of a set), a book (middle of a series, I don't read books), a Christmas book with Bible verses (so not me), and some cat toys (I actually do own a cat).
4. One year I....Went through Christmas without even realizing it! X was born just 20 days before, so I was a new mom trying to figure out how to deal with a baby, his eating, his sleeping, his pooping, etc. Had we not taken some pictures from that day, I would have no memory of the day even existing!
5. I think the worst gift to give is....Something you want instead of something the recipient wants. Hello clothes or gift card to a store I would never step foot in!
6. At Christmastime I typically....am a stressed out nut job trying to make sure I got everyone the right gift! Plus, I always feel I need to buy many presents for everyone...thanks for passing that trait along mom and dad! ;)
7. Typically, family Christmas....Running around from house to house, stressed out, eating too much, not enough sleep, trying to enjoy our little time together.
8. If I could change one thing about the Holiday
season....I would make it last longer! I know after those last couple answers who would make it longer? Most people I encounter are in such good moods during the holidays, caring and considerate of others, and genuinely want to spend time with each other. I wish those times lasted longer...not the gift giving, eating too much, stressed out times!
9. It is so hard to buy for....It's a tie! My dad and Mic are extremely hard to buy for! When you basically marry your father (height & sometimes personality wise) be prepared for lots of searching for something that fits or they actually like! Both of them are jolly green giants at 6'4" and 6'6"! GRRR!
My favorite Christmas tradition is...Opening one small gift on Christmas Eve :) I am a kid at heart and I love opening presents and watching others open their gifts...especially the things you know they love :)
Santa, baby, bring me a ....New SUV, new house, a large bank account, a skinny body, TIME!!!! Time to spend with my little family, time to spend with my big family, time to spend with good friends, time to enjoy life, and maybe some time for cocktails and sleep too!
What are your answers to the above questions?
What are your answers to the above questions?

I had the same experience with finding out SC isn't real...I was devastated.
ReplyDeleteThanks for linking with us!!
So sorry to hear that :( Thanks for hosting!
DeleteIt's tradition for us to open one gift on Christmas Eve also. Typically it was something like pajamas for Christmas. :D
ReplyDeleteWe always had to pick a small item, so I usually went for the ones that look like CD's :)