
What's Up August

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

It's the last Wednesday of the month and that means it is time to link up with Mel, Shay & Sheaffer for...

What We're Eating This Week...
Monday - Leftovers because we brought home a bunch of food from the weekend at my dad's house
Tuesday - Sloppy Joe's & Tater Tots
Wednesday - Eating at my in-laws house
Thursday - Smoked sausage & spaetzle (I found this bag at Kroger and I'm super excited to make it! We love German food!)
Friday - Out

What I'm Reminiscing About...
Nothing really

What I'm Loving...
That school is back in session because that means we follow a routine.
I love routine!
I operate much better with a does X!
See more of X's first day of school here :)

What We've Been Up To...
We tried to enjoy the last bit of summer vacation as best we could!
X and I joined my dad and nephew at the Cleveland Browns training camp

Mic and I took X to Kalahari (but didn't snap any pics) for some fun on the water slides and the wave pool,

We took in our first pro soccer game

Celebrated my step brother's 40th birthday (it was a joint party with a friend of his)

And I just completed our annual fantasy football draft at my dad's house!

What I'm Dreading...
Not so much dreading as scared.
We are going zip lining for a friend's birthday in a couple of weeks and I am terrified of heights!
Mic and I went years ago to a much smaller course and I was so nervous!
This one is supposed to be about 2 1/2 hours long, has some seriously high lines and rapels, and all around scary stuff!

This is a direct quote from the Tree Frog Canopy Tour website...

"This is for the thrill seekers, the adrenaline junkies, and the people who were meant to push past city limits. We're calling those who sit at their desks and daydream about discovering themselves. The people who thrive on living outside of their comfort zone."


What I'm Working On...
I know I said I love routine, but getting back into the groove of going to the office each day has been a chore.
Early wake up times.
Having to actually get dressed, do my hair, etc.
That work from home gig this summer was pretty nice :)

What I'm Excited About...
I scored some awesome seats for the Carrie Underwood concert in Cleveland next year.
I absolutely love live music (I get it from my dad) and I couldn't pass up the chance to see Carrie in concert.
Isn't it crazy how far in advance they go on sale?
I seriously placed my order on August 13th and the concert isn't until October 16, 2019!!!!

What I'm Watching/Reading...
I haven't watched much TV this summer, but I have gotten into Hard Knocks on HBO (it's about my Cleveland Browns) 

and All The Way Up with Baker Mayfield.

What I'm Listening To...
Lots of country, with a little bit of classic rock and 90's hip hop thrown in there to balance things out ;)

What I'm Wearing...
All the business casual work clothes and I am not too thrilled about it :(
Can I please go back to working from home for a few more weeks?
At least until the Fall weather arrives :)
I did wear this dress last week and share a few other Chambray picks here.

What I'm Doing This Weekend...
I am hoping to get Mic and X to attend Lexington's first home game of the season on Friday night!
I love all football, but high school football is pretty high up there!
I miss cheering on my team under the lights!
So the next best thing for me is attending a game on Friday night and cheering on our local team!
And that guy above is ranked 4th in the state!
I have to go watch him play before he heads off to Ohio State next year!

The rest of the weekend....probably nothing :/
Labor day weekend is always lack luster for us typically.
Most of our family goes on vacation so we usually just chill at home.

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month...
September is crazy busy!
I mentioned above we are going zip lining with friends for a 40th birthday celebration,
Fall soccer games begin for X,

We are heading to Louisville to see Maroon 5 with some friends,

College football begins,

And NFL regular season starts!

It is going to be a great month!

What Else Is New...
Still trying to get this whole health thing figured out.
I think my next step is trying to go gluten free.
So please send me all your gluten free recipes you love or products you can't live without! TIA!

And my 2019 planner arrived earlier this week!
Click here to score $10 off your first purchase!

Bonus Question: What's Your Favorite Back To School Tradition?
I absolutely loved that my mom (and sometimes my brother) would bake me a cake on my first day of school.
I would arrive home to their creation and I always thought it was so cool!
It typically had my name written on it and such in frosting.
I started the same tradition with X, but it is slightly modified.
He isn't a huge fan of cake or cookies, but he loves donuts.
On top of that I work all day, so I don't have any time to get things baked while he is gone.
So I treat him every year on the first day of school to his favorite donuts - typically Apple or sprinkle donuts.
This year I picked up a huge one from Kroger on my way to pick him up and he loved it!

XOXO ~ Vanessa


  1. You will love zip-lining!!! It is scary but the fun totally outweighs the scary! Annster's Domain

    1. Thanks! I am excited yet nervous about the whole zip line thing.

  2. The zip-lining will be fun! I hate heights too but for some reason zip-lining doesn't bother me because it's over in 10 seconds lol. I'm excited for football too!

    Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams

    1. Thanks Amanda! I am the same way with roller coasters!

  3. So much goodness in this post! I love the pink pants - I'm a pink girl and have way too much in my closet! I'm obsessed with Hard Knocks, and my new favorite team is your Cleveland Browns. After the Seahawks, I'll be cheering them on. I really hope Cajuste makes the team -he's my favorite. You will love zip lining - it's so much fun!

    1. Thanks Lana! Hard knocks is too good! Bummed that it ends this week 😭 And even more bummed Cajuste was cut. Hopefully someone picks him up!


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