
Favorites Friday | Scarves & More

Friday, December 19, 2014

Honestly, as I begin writing this I don't know what the "more" in that title will be. lol! #keepinitreal

Linking up on the last Friday before Christmas (Seriously?) with the fine ladies below.


My friend and fellow blogger, Deena sent me a handmade camo scarf early in the fall that I love! 
I wish I knew how to knit a scarf!

Well, she also had me for our bloggers scarf exchange and sent me another wonderful one! Check out my post from Wednesday here
But that's not all! I have received two more wonderful scarves this week as well!
 I received this orange and brown one on Sunday, from a family friend. (Her mom whipped this baby up for me.) We have grown up going to the Browns games together so this combo is not surprising at all! I love it! And it is SOOOO soft!
I won this handmade scarf from Astleigh.
Her cousin Olivia made this for me and it is perfect!
I was able to pick the color(s), size, etc.
It turned out exactly as I asked for! Thanks so much Astleigh and Olivia!
To order your own, check out Olivia's Facebook page :)

Christmas Cards
I don't know about you, but I personally love getting mail.
Especially at Christmas time!
Yes, gone are the years (for the most part) that you receive a hand written card...but I don't care!
I probably enjoy getting that family photo a bit more!
Those photos get placed on the side of our fridge for all our guests to see :)
I love that friends can come in and see familiar or not so familiar faces.
It drums up conversation and memories.
I love sending cards as well for that same reason!

 Free Meal
I celebrated my 36th birthday on Tuesday. Honestly, it might have been the most uneventful birthday I have ever had. 
I was at home all day with a sick toddler. Mic came home sick from work.
There was no going out to a nice dinner or anything :(
Thank you to all my friends and family though for the calls, text messages, and Facebook shout outs!
I feel super loved :)
Mic was able to chill with X so I could enjoy a solo trip to Target and pick up some dinner for myself.

Thank you to the wonderful lady working at Skyline Chili!
She picked up the tab for my yummy meal :)
Made my day!

Free Starbucks
I had actually ventured out on my birthday to get my favorite winter treat only to be told that they no longer had the ingredients to make the Caramel Brulee' Latte :(
I was so bummed I left with nothing!
Thanks to my Kroger Starbucks I was able to enjoy my free treat the following day, and the next day.
They confirmed they have plenty of the ingredients to at least get them through the holidays. 

Starbucks Red have my heart!

Making 36 a "Me" year
Speaking of my birthday. I have decided to declare my New Year's resolution/goal/whatever you want to call it now. No need to wait until the 1st in my eyes.
I have decided to take better care of and focus more on me!
That may sound super selfish, but it is what needs to be done.
For many reasons really.
If I focus on making me be the best possible me, that will then carry over to everything else in my life.
Work, home, being a good wife and mommy.
The list goes on and on.
So while I don't have the time to get back to Booty Barre or any other class for that matter, I have exercised each night after X has gone to bed.
I am trying to focus on enjoying life.
Find the positive over the negative.
Being truly thankful for this amazing life I have!
Here's to a fantastic year!
That may or may not have been my 2nd day in a row of drinking wine ;)
Gotta live right?

So how was your week?
I would love to hear some of the positive moments you experienced!
Any other places I should check out for scarves?
I am always adding to my collection.
Do you send out Christmas or New Year's cards?

Have a wonderful weekend friends!
Christmas is almost here!!!!


  1. Great post! I love scarves too! I have so many, but always scout out new ones. I'm glad that even though you didn't get a special dinner for your birthday and spent it taking care of your sick family that you still managed to go out and grab dinner for yourself. Your Christmas card is beautiful. I love getting actual mail and Christmas is the best season for it. I get giddy every day when I walk to the mailbox in December. :)

  2. Yay for Skyline- especially when it's free! How sweet of the waitress :) I love all your scarves.... except maybe one of them with brown in it ;) And you could totally learn how to make them- there are some really simple knitting/crotcheting and even braiding tutorials on pinterest!


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