Hello Friends & Happy Friday!
One of my favorite times of the day is dropping off and picking up X from school each day!
And on days we are a little early, we park and take silly selfies or listen to our favorite songs :)
On Friday evening we surprised X and took him to the #LEGOKidsFest
You can read more about our trip here!
His favorite thing in the whole world is LEGO'S!
He was in Lego Heaven :)
On Saturday afternoon we headed north again to spend some time with some of my favorite people and celebrate my grandma's 82nd birthday!

Tuesday I did my civic duty.
And then since it was Taco Tuesday, we grabbed some Taco Bell on the way back to work :)
And when I picked X up from school that day he made it up to pink again!
So proud of this guy!
Watching him grow and learn is by far one of my favorite things!
Another favorite is Daylight Light Savings Time!
Falling back has been great this week!
This kid is literally putting himself to sleep each night!
Praying this keeps up :)
After this crazy week in our country I saw this quote and just had to share
Last, but certainly not least I want to thank all those veterans out there!
I appreciate all you do for me, my family, and our country!
When we have time before school or swim we do silly selfies too :) Snapchat being the favorite tool for my 9 year old and 4 year old! My kiddos would love that Lego event! We went to one while on vacation in August. It was all animals but super heros would rock my four year old's world! Congrats on your little guy getting to pink. I used to teach and remember those behavior charts all to well. Now that I have on own little guy I can expect him to be a bit rambunctious as he gets into real school in the next couple of years. Ahhh boys - awesome to the core but silly as can be at times! Have a wonderful weekend. I'm so glad I dropped by your blog!
ReplyDeleteI love that quote about still remaining respectful even when you don't agree with someone else! I wish more people would do that :) I love that you guys took him to a Lego event! I bet he was loving it!
ReplyDeleteTime in the car in the morning before drop off is still some of the best with my kids. Now that they are older the car is the perfect place for little discussions about sometimes not so easy topics. And loving that quote...yes we can still be repectful!!